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Connections for conveyor belts

Conveyor beltsConnections for conveyor belts

Conventional or stainless steel connections are designed for mechanical connection of the belts.

Mechanical connections RS62, RS125, RS187:

  • Rigid and impact resistant
  • Friction resistant
  • Easy to mount

Mechanical connections RS62 are used when belt thickness ranges from 1.5 to 3.2 mm, and shaft diameter accounts for no less than 50 mm. Mechanical connections RS62 withstand force up to 17 kN/m. Connections can be of steel, stainless steel of type 316, and magnetic stainless steel of type 430.

Mechanical connections RS125 are used when belt thickness ranges from 3.2 to 4.8 mm, and shaft diameter accounts for no less than 75 mm. Mechanical connections RS125 withstand force up to 28 kN/m. Connections can be of steel, stainless steel of type 316, magnetic stainless steel of type 430, and with higher friction resistance.

Mechanical connections RS187 are used, when belt thickness ranges from 4.8 to 6.4 mm, and shaft diameter accounts for no less than 100 mm. Mechanical connections RS128 withstand force up to 35 kN/m. Connections can be of steel, stainless steel of type 316, and with higher friction resistance.

Mechanical connections of group G - it is mechanical connections of wire group that are used for connecting of light, short, and thin conveyor belts.

  • Used for very small shaft diameters
  • Low noise emission
  • Abrasion resistance
  • Employed connections are 20 % thinner than the employed material

R2 and R5 mechanical connections perfectly fit for connecting of rubberised belts, fast repair of conveyor belts. Connections are mounted by the help of rivets, thus they are easy and quickly mounted.

  • Easy and quickly mounted
  • Rivet ensure long service life without damaging the belt
  • Suitable for different type of rubberised belts

Diameters of available connections:

Connecting of belts by using mechanical connections not always prove to be satisfactory though, thus company production division glues conveyor belts on rubber by using special adhesives according to producer's technologies or by connecting with press EL-20-NE and using heat.

PVC and PU belts are connected with press MVP-1320 and using heat.

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