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Conveyor belts for bread and confectionery industry

Conveyor beltsConveyor belts for bread and confectionery industry

We offer a wide assortment of conveyor belts for bread and confectionery industry. Base of these belts is constructed of a cord / textile with one or several of its layers coated with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyurethane (PU). Technologically advanced materials employed for production of belts ensure their rigidity, impact resistance, and burst strength. Available colours are white, green, and blue.

We offer belts of the following series:

Belts Clina: comply with stringent international standards (including FDA Certificate). Resistant to animal and vegetable fats and oils. Surface may be from PVC or PU. Anti-static surface. Operating temperature: from -15 °C to 90 ºC. Thickness: from 0.8 to 5.2 mm.

Belts Novak: features are the same as for belts CLINA. All belts are of blue colour. Surface is from PVC and PU. Operating temperature: from -15 ºC to +90 ºC. Thickness: from 1.25 to 3.1 mm.

Belts Aster: resistant to vegetable fats and oils. Surface is rough and made from PVC. Anti-static. FDA certificate regarding food. Operating temperature: from -15 °C to +80 ºC. Thickness: from 3.2 to 13.80 mm.

Belts TUBUL: belts without connection. They do not have a seam or connection point. Perfect for transfer of bread and cake dough. Belts are made from 100 % of wool, thus products do not stick to them. Thickness: 3 and 6 mm.

Belts POLER: these belts may be used as alternative to PU belts. Resistant to vegetable fats and oils. They are designed for taking the sponge cake out of the furnace and for rolling. Resistant to cutting. Easy to clean and resistant to wear and tear, including friction. May operate at high temperature. Operating temperature: from -20 °C to +100 ºC. Short-term operating temperature is up to +120 ºC. Thickness: from 0.3 to 2.1 mm.

Belts according to the intended purpose:

Belts for bread formation Belts are selected according to belt location, function, and sort of transferred dough. Clina 05UF / 05UFMT
Belts CROISSANT (for croissant machine) for production These are the belts that operate when using low diameter shaft and feature high resistance against vegetable oil and fats. Clina 05UF/05UFMT Clina 07UF/07UFMT Clina 10FF
Conveyor belts for cutting machine Polyurethane and cotton / polyester belts are intended for precise transfer of various dough products.

Clina 05UF/05UFMT Clina 07UF/07UFMT Clina 10FF/16FF

Clina 11DF/12AF

Printed belts for (doughnut) production Maximum longitudinal elasticity when working with knife blades. Resistant to vegetable and animal oils and fats. Used for coating and sprinkling of sponge cakes and bakery products. Used for freezer tunnels. CLINA 06 K1F
Belts for lifting / lowering of cakes White belts with relief surface, on which cakes are placed for cutting. Used for lifting / lowering, when products are packed in blocks. ASTER 10GF
Belts for placing into the furnace* These belts are relatively heat resistant and ensure even, smooth transportation of the product. 

Clina 10FF, Clina 12FF, Poler 08EF, Clina 16 FF

*We deliver these belts only on special orders.

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